The Depressing Game is a social deduction game, where players take on the role of high school students who have to deal with depression on a daily basis

This game as designed by the students of Nanakuli High School, located on the west coast of O'ahu, Hawaii

While understanding the serious of the topic, this card game is light and humorous, and uses satire to explore the sensitive subject.

Card overview Our 2018-2019 Class project The Depressing Game


At the start of each game, a player will be assigned the role of either a depressed student (shown left) or a happy student (shown right) and dealt a hand of cards depicting various depressed or happy emotional states (shown below). Throughout the game, players play these Emotional State Cards in order to win rounds. The winner is decided in the final round:
- If a Happy Card wins the final round, the players with the happy student roles win.
- If a Depressed Card wins the final round or if the round ends in a draw, the player with the Depressed student role wins.

Emotional State Cards

The Emotional State Cards feature artistic depictions of our student designers experiencing the various factors of happiness or depression in their daily lives. In each depiction, our students wear a mask of the role they are taking on while experiencing these emotional states.

Emotional State Cards Examples of Emotional State Cards

Kawaii Kon Demo

As a means of getting user feedback, my studends demonstrated the Depressing Game at Kawaii Kon 2019. Exceeding our expectations, the game was received very well by the public.

TDG Demo 2019 Kawaii Kon demo.

SOTF 2019

Our class has been invited to present at this year's Schools of the Future in Honolulu Hawaii.


If you are interesting in obtaining a copy of The Depressing Game: :

TDG Demo Or click on This link


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